Interior Logan church with pews

Visitors are always welcome in our friendly congregation. We are fully ADA compliant with ramps and en elevator on the East side of the church (accessed from our parking lot).

For both of our worship services (more casual at 9:00am and more traditional at 10:30am), the message is the same. God loves us and calls us to lives of discipleship. At both times we celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month by coming forward to the table to partake in the meal and celebrate God’s love and grace.

Early Worship Service

Sunday @ 9am in Bruner Hall

First Presbyterian Church of Logan offers a morning informal Sunday service. Starting with both contemporary and classic songs of praise, we emphasize simply enjoying God’s presence (and each others!). We sing together, pray for each other, and reflect on God’s word for us in Scripture and a message. Simple and participatory are the key words for this service.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at this service through ‘intinction’ where the pastor places a piece of bread into your hands and you dip it into the cup and partake of the elements together. Gluten-free options are always available.

Traditional Service

Sunday @ 10:30am in the Sanctuary

Our traditional Sunday service more structured, though not formal. You will find both jeans and more dressy attire in attendance. In this service, we focus on God’s Living Word (Jesus Christ) in the rhythms and practices of traditional Presbyterian worship. With liturgy, hymns, organ music, responsive and corporate prayers, a children’s message, Scripture, and sermon, we gather in God’s presence and seek to grow in faith. We hope that all who come are sent out healed, at peace, refreshed, challenged, and empowered to live the coming week faithfully and abundantly.

Adding to the blessing of this service is music from the Chancel Choir, the Westminster Bell Choir, or other instrumentalists or soloists. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month in the inviting you to come forward and receive bread from the loaf and a cup or grape juice, then returning to your seat. Rather than remaining in your seats, this act is symbolic of ‘coming to the table’ to receive God’s grace.

Child Care

During both Sunday worship services a nursery is available for infants and pre-schoolers. Our childcare worker Dana is well-versed in caring for infants and young ones. During the traditional 10:30 service following the children’s sermon, Children’s Worship is available for those in kindergarten through elementary grades. All of our staff and volunteers are regularly screened via background and safety checks.